
Archive for November, 2007|Monthly archive page

Happy Thanksgiving!

In Blessing on November 23, 2007 at 1:37 am

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I hope you all had a wonderful day stuffing yourself with turkey, mashed potatoes, yams, corn, turkey, rolls, stuffing, turkey, and rolls!  I know I did.And as always, we should thank the Lord for our blessings, and remember those that aren’t as fortunate as us.  So take a moment to pray, thank God for everything you have, and remember that Christmas is right around the corner; a perfect time to help a fellow human being and put a smile on their face. 

Another Christmas Gift

In Philanthropy on November 12, 2007 at 2:51 pm

Hey guys. I came across another great company TOMS Shoes. It was founded by Blake Mycoskie, an Amazing Race contestant. When in Argentina, he was impacted by the extreme poverty he saw, so he set out to change that. The shoe is based off of the Argentinean style shoe. For every pair of TOMS Shoes you buy, he donates a pair to a child that needs them. It’s pretty simple: You get some cool shoes, a child gets his or her first pair of new shoes ever. I would encourage you all to also consider giving this great Christmas gift to someone you love.

Also, here is a short video about the TOMS Shoe Drop ’06 in Argentina. Enjoy!

One Laptop Per Child Videos

In One Laptop Per Child, Video on November 11, 2007 at 3:20 pm

These are a few short videos highlighting the scope of the One Laptop Per Child program. It shows how powerful this tool can be. I would encourage everyone to support this mission in whatever way they can.

Episode One:

Episode Two:

Episode Three:

Christmas List

In Philanthropy on November 8, 2007 at 12:25 pm

Operation Christmas ChildHey everyone. Sorry about my lack of posts over the last two weeks. I’ve been very busy with school (studying and doing homework, my mother will be happy to know).

I hope some of you tried out the game I mentioned in my last post. In case you didn’t, you should. Ayiti: The Cost of Life. It is very entertaining, and puts a new perspective on impoverished nations. I recommend giving it a whirl.

I also recommend checking out the One Laptop Per Child project. It has amazing potential, and with enough support, could start eliminating the appallingly severe wealth and education gave that has a stranglehold in some countries.

Here is my specific request to you, my readers. I know it is a bit early, but this Christmas, as a present for your favorite son/nephew/grandson, instead of spending money on me, spend it on someone who really could use a Christmas miracle. Donate what you would spend on me to World Vision, or donate a laptop from the OLPC project to a child in real need. Or buy a bed net or two (or more) for Africans at Malaria No More, a great organization dedicated to ridding Africa of malaria. Or how about donating my Christmas gift to Habitat for Humanity. Or better yet, donate some time to a build day with Habitat, or volunteer to work at the Habitat ReStore in Tacoma. Or donate money to St. Jude Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. St. Jude is an amazing facility that provides FREE treatment for children with catastrophic illnesses.

Any and all of these ways would be a great way to spend your time or money on. And one last request for a Christmas gift, remember to pray for these organizations and the people they help! Everyone of these organizations are carrying out God’s will, whether they know it or not.

I have it pretty well off. I’m in a great school, I have a family that I love with very ounce of my being, I’m happy, I’m healthy, and most of all I have a future, which is not something that can be said about many people in the world today. So instead of giving me just a little bit more of what I already have, we should give that same little bit that will be everything to a person with nothing.

Believe me, it’s not as if I don’t appreciate your gifts. I would love a few choice gifts from the family that I love, but I have pretty much everything I need, and more. Actually, there is one thing I would like. If you choose to donate your time or money instead of a Christmas present for me, I would love for you all to tell me what you did! There are so many ways that you can make miracles happen, and I would love to know how each of you did it.

Knowing that there are a few happier and healthier people in the world be the best Christmas present I could ask for.


PS Don’t forget Operation Christmas Child!